Stages of varicose veins: symptoms of diseases and their treatment

After thirty years, and especially in women, the most common disease of the legs is varicose veins. During the development of this disease, blood vessels are deformed, their elasticity is reduced, and blood flow is disrupted. The calf muscles of the legs and the back of the knees are often affected.

stages of development of varicose veins

Varicose veins of the legs: causes

Factors that cause varicose veins in the lower extremities include:

  • Excess weight - puts too much pressure on the legs. This is especially true for obese people. Therefore, if you have a problem with weight, we recommend intense exercise;
  • pregnancy - especially in recent months, the load on the legs is very noticeable, and if you do not pay constant attention to rest, varicose veins can develop;
  • work related to staying on your feet for a long time. If it is not possible to change your job, you should change your attitude to it and try to reduce the load on your feet;
  • presence of a tumor in the pelvic organs - bleeding is difficult;
  • diseases of the walls of the vessels of the lower extremities, causing compression of tissues and deterioration of blood flow and the formation of blood clots;
  • congenital venous valve insufficiency.

Attention! We recommend that you pay attention to the health of your feet from a young age so that your feet do not hurt and are not covered with small bruises. Include moderate exercise in your daily routine and try to reduce the tension in your legs. It is worth paying attention to the description of symptoms during the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Early stage of varicose veins of the lower extremities: features of the disease

First of all, it is worth noting that the course of the first stage of varicose veins may be invisible. In addition, there is even a zero stage of varicose veins in medicine. During the course, the patient complains of the same feelings as varicose veins. However, it is not possible to identify any signs of varicose veins during the examination. And in this case, treatment is rarely prescribed, more often than not, doctors recommend a healthy lifestyle.

In the first stage, spider veins or mesh appear on the legs. Note that there is no disruption of venous flow at this stage. Patients want help because of the slight dilation of the arteries.

Secondary varicose veins

In the second stage, in addition to all the symptoms already listed, there is a lack of main vascular stems. In other words, in addition to heaviness in the legs and a slight dilation of the veins in the legs, swelling and bluish nodules may also appear. Keep in mind that the size of the knots may increase after sitting for a long time or walking on the heel.

The third stage of varicose veins: features of the development of the disease

Treatment of the disease at this stage is often surgical. As for the symptoms of the course, the swelling increases significantly, the legs appear swollen even in the morning. Convulsions may appear. Often reduces calf muscles.

Attention! To get rid of cramps, you need to stretch your legs and pull the socks towards you. If the foot does not obey, give him this position with the help of your hands.

A characteristic feature of the third degree is the appearance of trophic ulcers or discoloration of the skin.

Dermatitis or eczema may also appear. Another sign of third-degree varicose veins is dry skin. The epidermis loses its elasticity due to circulatory problems and the surface dries out.

Varicose veins: how to treat lower extremities and their swelling

If varicose veins are diagnosed, then the treatment will be the same, regardless of the stage. The only difference will be during treatment.

Treatment of varicose veins can be different. One of the most effective ways to treat varicose veins is massage. Only a specialist should do this to avoid damage. Proper massage improves blood circulation in the lower extremities. Special pneumatic massage is also used as a kind of compression therapy. It reduces swelling of the legs, accelerates venous blood flow and improves overall blood circulation in the lower extremities.

Physical therapy is also suitable for relaxing the venous system of the legs. This is a type of exercise for the legs, performed immediately before bedtime. You can show the exercises you need in any physical therapy room.

Elastic bandages and socks are used to reduce the symptoms of the disease and prevent its aggravation. Wearing compression stockings helps to stop the development of the disease, improves blood flow to the legs and, most importantly, prevents the formation of blood clots. You need to buy compression underwear in a specialty store.

Attention! It is better not to save on such socks. After all, if the fabric is not elastic enough, then you will not be able to wear them.

Blood thinners, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are used to treat varicose veins. These can be pills, needles. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor and only after a thorough examination. Self-medication is prohibited.

Popular methods of treating varicose veins of the legs include hirudotherapy. During the procedure, leprosy bites the skin and injects hirudin, a substance that prevents blood from clotting. As a result, the number of blood clots decreases.

Treatment and relief of the disease is possible with the use of creams, ointments, gels. You can buy them at any pharmacy and you do not need a prescription. In the later stages of the disease, the phlebologist will offer you an operative solution to the problem.

Anyone diagnosed with obesity should follow a special diet. The diet should be low in cholesterol, rich in protein and vitamins. In this case, the consumption of seafood has a positive effect on health. Smoked meats, broths, marinades should be avoided, coffee and alcohol should be avoided.

The patient's diet should include the following foods:

  • legumes, sprouted wheat grains, liver, olive or corn oil are foods rich in vitamin E. Gives elasticity to our veins;
  • Vitamins C and P (routine) are needed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and arteries of the lower extremities. Vitamin C is found in hips, sea buckthorn, cabbage, currants and, of course, citrus fruits. The routine is found in the same hips, citrus fruits, black currants and black chokeberry. Compotes or decoctions can be made on the basis of these berries;
  • bioflavonoids make it easier to move through the veins - eat 10 cherries and dark cherries in portions;
  • Include fiber-rich foods in your diet to eliminate constipation. After all, everyone knows that the arteries suffer from constipation;
  • make sure you drink at least two liters of water. With a lack of water consumed, the blood becomes viscous, thus increasing the load on our arteries.

It is worth saying a few words about what will happen if varicose veins are not treated in time. Keep in mind that such a disease can appear as a result of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, eczema or trophic ulcers. Keep in mind that pulmonary embolism can occur with advanced varicose veins.

And this disease can cause sudden death. Therefore, if you want to live a healthy and happy life, then it is better to consult a doctor in time.

After all, it is easier to treat the disease at an early stage, and surgery is optional at the beginning of the disease. Don't be sick! Good luck!